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How to manage your account

Managing Your Rights of Way System Account:

Accessing Your Account:

  • To manage your account, log in to the rights of way system using your username and password.

Updating Personal Information:

  • Navigate to the "Account Settings" after logging in by selecting your username. You can modify details like your name, contact information, and preferences.

Changing Password:

  • Ensure the security of your account by regularly changing your password. Locate the "Change Password" option in the account settings and follow the provided instructions.

Notification Preferences:

  • Customize your notification preferences to receive important updates, alerts, or newsletters. Check the "Notification Settings" or a similar section to tailor your communication preferences.

Accessing Help and Support:

  • Explore the "Help" section for resources and guides. If you encounter any issues or have questions, use the contact form to seek assistance.

Logging Out:

  • Always log out of your account, especially when using shared devices. Look for the "Log Off" option to secure your account.

Providing Feedback:

  • Please consider providing input about your user experience. Your feedback can contribute to system improvements.

Deleting Your Account (if applicable):

  • If you wish to discontinue using the system, check if there's an option to delete your account. Follow the provided steps to permanently remove your account from the system.

Keeping Contact Information Updated:

  • Maintain up-to-date contact information to receive important notifications and ensure that you can be reached if needed.

By actively managing your account, you can enhance your experience with the rights of way system, stay informed, and ensure the security of your information.