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Accessibility Statement

Last Updated: 21/06/2024

1. General

At South Gloucestershire, we are committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and applying the relevant accessibility standards.

2. Conformance Status

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. The South Gloucestershire Rights of Way website is conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. 

3. Feedback

We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of the South Gloucestershire Rights of Way website. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on our site:

4. Technical Specifications

The South Gloucestershire Rights of Way website relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.

5. Accessibility Features

We have implemented the following accessibility features on our website:

  • Alternative text for images
  • Keyboard navigable menus and controls
  • Adjustable text size and contrast settings
  • Screen reader compatibility

6. Interactive Map Accessibility

Our website features an interactive map that allows users to navigate and interact with the system via map controls. We have made efforts to ensure that these map controls are accessible:

  • Keyboard accessibility for map navigation
  • Screen reader support for map controls and descriptions
  • High contrast map options

7. User Registration Accessibility

We strive to make our user registration process accessible to all users:

  • Clear and concise form labels
  • Keyboard navigable form fields
  • Accessible error messages and instructions

8. Limitations and Alternatives

Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility of the South Gloucestershire Rights of Way website, there may be some limitations. Below is a description of known limitations and potential solutions:

  • Known Limitation: Some map functionalities may not be fully accessible to screen reader users. Solution: Please contact us ( for alternative ways to access the map information or report an issue.

9. Assessment Approach

The South Gloucestershire Rights of Way website assessed the accessibility of this website by the following approaches:

  • Self-evaluation
  • External evaluation

10. Formal Complaints

If you encounter any issues with accessibility or have a formal complaint, please contact us using the information provided above. We aim to respond to accessibility feedback within 2 weeks and will work to address any issues promptly.